Become a Member

    Organization details:

    Name of Organization

    Email ID

    Mobile No.

    Landline No.

    Address of Organization

    Registration Details:

    Act under which the Organization is Registered.

    Registration No. Under the Charitable Trust Act.

    Registration No. under the Societies Registration Act 1960.

    Registration No. Under S.12AA of the Income Tax Act 1961

    Registration No. Under the Companies Act 1956 / 2013 i.e. Company Identification Number (CIN).

    Exemption Certificate No. under the Income Tax Act 1961 with Validity Period and the Section under which it is granted.

    Date of Registration or Incorporation

    Permanent Account No. of the Organization.

    TDS / TCS NO. of the Organization.

    Main Objects of the Organization

    Predominant Activities of the Organization i.e. Whether Charitable, Religious, Educational, Medical Relief, Relief of Poverty, etc.

    Number of Directors / Trustees / Office Bearers / Managing Committee Members

    Applicant Details:

    Name, Designation, Contact No., Email id, WhatsApp No. of the First Key Person i.e. Executive / Managing Trustee or Executive / Managing Director.

    Address of the First Key Person i.e. Executive / Managing Trustee or Executive / Managing Director.

    Name, Designation, Contact No., Email id, WhatsApp No. of the Second Key Person i.e. Vice Chair Person / President

    Address of the Second Key Person i.e. Vice Chair Person / President

    Name, Designation, Contact No., Email id, WhatsApp No. of the Third Key Person i.e. the Secretary, whether Secretary General, Chief / Executive / Main Secretary, Additional / Deputy / Joint Secretary

    Address of the Third Key Person i.e. the Secretary, whether Secretary General, Chief / Executive / Main Secretary, Additional / Deputy / Joint Secretary

    Name, Designation, Contact No., Email id, WhatsApp No. of the Fourth Key Person i.e. the Treasurer and Joint Treasurer

    Address of the Fourth Key Person i.e. the Treasurer and Joint Treasurer


    Category / Type of the Membership applied for:

    Bank Details:

    Bank Account Details:

    The Anxieties, Apprehensions, Biases, Botheration, Complaints, Concerns, Difficulties, Differences, Discrimination, Disputes, Doubts, Fears, Harassment, Injustice, Issues, Grievances, Ill-Treatment, Maltreatment, Nuisances, Objections, Oppression, Partialities, Persecution, Prejudices, Problems, Quarrels, Questions, Tax Terrors, Troubles, Unfairness, Worries, Wrongs, etc. you are facing and want us to Guide & Help you.

    Any other Information your Organization would Like to Share

    Whether Payment made by / through Account Payee Cheque / Demand Draft or via Electronic Transfer, viz. IMPS / NEFT / RTGS

    1. *Kindly Furnish the Xerox Copy of the Document.
    2. *Kindly Furnish the Copy of the Constitution & Bylaws of the Society or the Trust Deed or the Memorandum & Articles of Association or the Company.
    3. *Authorized Signatory / CEO / ED / Executive / MD / Managing Trustee